Avena sativa
The oat may be a humble foodstuff, but it is rich in starches, lipids and proteins, beta-glucans and vitamin E. All these components make oats exceptionally soothing, calming and skin conditioning in beauty. Oats are also renowned for helping to reduce skin dryness, scaling and itchiness by providing intense hydration benefits. In hair care, oats do double duty, helping to soothe and hydrate your scalp while making your hair feel soft and moisturised.
الفوائد الرئيسية
Oats are soothing, calming and moisturising
High levels of vitamin E provide excellent skin-protecting and antioxidant properties.
Improves your skin’s barrier function thanks to oats’ rich fatty acids content.
Oats are packed with Omega-3 linoleic acids, Omega-6 linolenic acids and essential fatty acids, all of which improve your skin barrier function for a healthy-looking skin.
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عرض 12 من 15 المنتجات