

Rubus fruticosus

Dark, jammy and gorgeous in desserts and pies, wild blackberries are a wonderful source of nutrients, boasting dietary fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K and essential minerals. Both the fruits and the whole blackberry plant have many valuable beauty benefits. The leaf extract boasts fruit acids, flavonoids and tannins to help moisturise skin, and blackberry seed oil contains a unique combination of antioxidants and fatty acids which are nourishing and moisturising.

الفوائد الرئيسية

  • Antioxidant properties, thanks to a high content in polyphenols and vitamin C.

  • Skin-soothing and nourishing.

  • Blackberry seed oil is high in vitamin E which can have an anti-ageing effect.

Blackberries are packed with active compounds, like polyphenol antioxidants (anthocyanins), flavonoids, phenolic acids and tannins, making them powerful beauty boosters!

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